Representing You.
We will represent your business interests before Congress and the Federal Departments and Agencies.
We will represent your business interests before Congress and the Federal Departments and Agencies.
Policy and Funding Objectives. We will help you think through a Federal agenda that grows your business and help you implement it.
Raising National Profile. We will help raise your profile. We will create opportunities to testify before Congress, join national advisory boards, and attend high-profile events sponsored by the White House and Federal agencies.
“Eyes and Ears.” We will monitor developments in areas of interest to your company across a large and complex government and notify you regarding any activity that may impact your business.
Leveraging U.S. Role in the International Market. We can get your company integrated into U.S. government activity related to international markets and various Federal international support programs that assist individual U.S.-based companies enter foreign markets. Also, our relations with the USG and European Union will make a positive difference to open new market opportunities and foster strategic partnerships.
Managing Relationships. Another important role we can play is to help you manage relationships with trade associations. Whether you belong to any associations or not, we will monitor activity that will affect your company and market as events unfold. You will receive real-time intelligence reports from e-Copernicus as industry associations or your competitors’ advance proposals that may be adverse to your interests.
Startup and New Market Entry. We help technology startups and companies seeking to enter new markets develop strategy and position themselves for success. We specialize in helping innovative companies access trans-Atlantic opportunities where we help U.S. companies seeking to expand internationally as well as assisting companies outside the U.S. enter the U.S. market.
Establishing Partnerships. We will present your company offerings before the right systems integrators and contractors in DC looking for partners. For instance, we have long-standing relationships with the leading cybersecurity contractor of the U.S. government and can help you develop a meaningful relationship.
We assist rural healthcare institutions apply for and access federal universal service support for broadband and telehealth services. We are helping to close the digital divide in rural America by helping rural healthcare providers access broadband services and utilize telehealth technologies.
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